Categoriearchief: blogging

The devil is in the details

De ondernemers die al met mij werken, weten dat ik gek ben op vragen.
Hier komen er weer twee:

Wil jij je boek schrijven?
Heb je de moed om je boek te schrijven?

“The devil is in the details”, zeggen ze in het Engels.
Taal is magisch – je kunt deze twee vragen namelijk op twee manieren lezen:
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Je vraag bepaalt je antwoord

Je vraag bepaalt je antwoord, wist je dat?⁠ Hoe vager je vraag, des te vager je antwoord.⁠ De vraag is dan ‘wat zijn goede vragen als het gaat om schrijven?’⁠

Ik geef een voorbeeld uit mijn eigen leven. Een vraag waarin een tegenstelling in besloten ligt, maakt dat je antwoord helderheid geeft. Kennen of kunnen – wat brengt je verder?
Die vraag heb ik mezelf gesteld. Hieronder deel ik mijn antwoord:

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It all revolves around your thoughts

Deep down, in your heart, do you have desires for your blog? Would you like to change something about your blog? Would you like to write better blog posts? Would you like to attract more readers? Would you like to have more impact on the people you know you can help live a more fulfilling life, have a more fulfilling business? Would you love to have more faith in the true value of your blog? Would you like your readers to truly feel connected with what you’re sharing with them? Would you like more views and shares? Would you like your blog to showcase your expertise in a way that deeply resonates with your audience? Continue reading

Positioning is not for you…

Positioning is not for you…. That is what I hear from my clients. Positioning is for the big guys, large businesses, with enormous marketing budgets. That’s what they say. I don’t believe a word of that. Positioning is a must for every single entrepreneur. Make sure you do it well. Continue reading

6 P's for Permanence

The 6 P’s for Permanence

Permanent blogging is a given. Blogging is addictive. Blogging is long term strategy that will yield so very much. Your business will benefit greatly, you clients will benefit greatly and you will benefit greatly from blogging. You must blog, you must continue, and you must persevere and be blogging permanently. Not because I say so, but because you can’t afford to not blog. You’d be paying a huge price for not blogging. So do your clients, and that is just not on, is it? Continue reading