Stop the structure struggle


How do you structure a blog post?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions I get time and time again. And I want to help you with that as clearly as I can in this post. And don’t worry, lots of entrepreneurs struggle with structuring. You’re not alone and it is easy to fix, once you know how. Let’s start cooking!

Blog Recipe

Use a recipe

Before I do anything else when writing a blog article is to use my basic template. It is so much easier to write, when I am totally clear on the structure of my blog article. Hence, a template. Which I consider to be and use as a recipe.

Just like a cooking recipe of you favourite dish, such as lasagna. A good recipe states the number of servings, the required ingredients and utensils, the instructions and the end result. A blog article is prepared and served in precisely the same way.

What will a recipe give you?

A recipe – keep that delicious lasagna in mind – gives you the clarity in advance as to what the end result will look like and how many servings you will have. Even better, you will know for sure that when you stick to the recipe, the end result will be what you expected it to be. A good blog recipe works in the very same way: you know upfront what the article is about, what the ingredients are, what the working order is, how many paragraphs you will have (the servings), what the presentation order is and what the end result will look like.

The recipe also allows you to work fast and efficiently: you put out the ingredients and utensils, you dig out your recipe, you follow the instructions and Bob’s your uncle. This way, blog writing is the fastest, the easiest and the most fun.

What does a good blog recipe look like?

I like to keep things simple and I am very fond of foolproof recipes, whether it’s in the kitchen or in my blog office. My personal blog recipe that always works for me is what I am happy to share with you here:

Recipe for one blog post of 500-700 words


  • one title
  • one introduction
  • one problem
  • one explanation
  • one solution
  • one conclusion
  • one call to action


(the basis)

  1. Describe the problem
  2. Describe the explanation
  3. Describe the solution
  4. Write the conclusion
  5. Write the call to action
  6. Put the mixture in a saved digital environment (a file) in your folder of Blog Drafts.


  1. Retrieve the mixture (saved file) from your Blog Drafts folder.
  2. If necessary, polish up the transition between the problem, the explanation and the conclusion.
  3. Write the introduction.
  4. Create a title.
  5. Check the completed blog post for spelling.
  6. Save the blog post.
  7. Your blog post is now ready for publication.

Now it’s over to you

When are you going to give this recipe a try? What do you think, will writing blog articles this way save you time and stop the structure struggle? Will you keep track of time, using this way of recipe writing? Is this blog recipe working well for you?

If you wish to receive Your Blog Recipe as a pdf download then request it here, without any hassle: Your Blog Recipe

I am very curious to find out how the blog recipe is working for you. You would make my day if you would let me know in your comment below. Let’s get cooking!


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How to Build a Blog




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