Skip the silly season


It is Summer. I’m sure you’ve noticed. In the media, this is also known as the silly season… and in a good many countries this is also referred to as cucumber time 🙂 The idea behind this is that there isn’t much relevant news to cover in the Summer… but hang on… are you sure? Is there nothing much relevant to blog about? I’d say: skip the Silly Season and continue blogging!

Silly Season

Yes, that’s right! When it comes to your blog. Joining the silly season and taking a break from blogging isn’t an option. Not even cucumbers do that: they grow and blossom in the Summer. Just like your blog!

The Summer is fabulous for your blog, for you as the expert in your field, and for your business. All those entrepreneurs who take a summer break should go ahead and do just that. I never stop blogging. I am also taking my opportunities during the summer. Why? Well, perhaps you know this better than I do. Ask yourself the questions below, I’m sure it will become very clear then!

When do people have the time and a good attention span to relax and read?

What do you think? Do holiday makers  leave their cellphone and tablet at home?

Are you able to schedule your blog posts in advance?

Do you have a system that sends your scheduled blog posts to your clients, fans and readers automatically?

Are you able to go on holiday while your Blogging Machine continues to run?

Would it be possible that you could be really visible – even stand out – when you share nice, fun, inspiring, and valuable blog posts specifically over the Summer period, when many people are feeling relaxed, have less pressure from work, and have more spare time to read?

Is it possible that particularly during the Summer other and new readers than usual will have the time, opportunity and inclination to comment on your blogs?

You don’t put your business website offline during the Summer, either, do you?

Are you really sure that you want to have your clients, fans and readers will unsubscribe to your blogging e-mails when they don’t receive any from you for weeks on end – and will subsequently subscribe to blogs by other experts in your field, instead?

Isn’t it wonderful that you have created a system around your blog which allows you with total peace of mind to go on holiday, knowing that your blog will carry on as per usual, your readers will continue to read and you can enjoy the comments on your blog from your recliner on the beach?

How wonderful, is it not, that you can trust that you have plenty of registrations for your free webinar, your free support calls or your introductory free workshop upon your return from holiday?

And what is it like, to answer these questions for yourself? Has it become any clearer? Whether or not you want to skip the silly season? That you can enjoy the summer, to relax, re-charge your batteries, and spent a relaxing time somewhere else without giving your blog time off?

I never stop blogging, really. The reason is that I am absolutely clear about why. My blog is the beating heart of my website. A heart I want to be beating continuously. Also in the Summer. Also in the Christmas period. Also during Easter. Also during any other national holidays and other festivities and world events.

How about your clients, fans and readers?

Are they really on holiday? Can you be sure about that? How will they feel about you not taking the trouble of providing valuable blog posts during your holiday? About assuming they are also on holiday, just because you are? About your assumption that they won’t want to read or learn anything from you, now that you are on holiday? About your idea that they won’t want to read your gems, just because it’s summer? How relevant is your holiday to your clients, fans and readers? Oops… indeed, your blog is not about you, it is about them!

Just release any of your assumptions. Enjoy your Summer AND serve your clients, fans and readers. You don’t have to choose between the two: you can do both, at the same time! Never focus on those who don’t want to read your posts for a while… do what you do for those who do wish to continue to work, develop and grow over the Summer, those who do want your input and continue reading your posts. Don’t deny the that opportunity, offer them that opportunity!

I do sincerely hope that you have gained the same clarity as I have. I am also wishing you a fabulous, enchanting, inspiring and surprising summer comments on your blog.

Just let me know in your comment which of the questions led you to the most surprising insights for you and your blog? I really am sincerely curious and I promise to respond to our comment on this blog post.

Invitation to a free call with me to become the Master of Your Blog

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To create a blog vision and a 6-step plan to get an active blog off the ground for your business? To discover the 6 ingredients for your blogging strategy and take away the next steps for your blog?

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