Silly thoughts

You may well feel you’re the only one in your field who doesn’t have a blog. And that this makes you feel silly. Well, so long as you feel silly, your blog won’t happen. Why? Putting yourself down isn’t going to get you into the right frame of mind to put your valuable content into a nice, pleasant, value-packed blog post… is it?

Thinking this is way is very common, understandable and even perfectly normal. Is it going to get you where you want to be with you blog, though? The answer is: “No, it won’t.” So, now what?
Silly Thoughts

How will continue to feel silly mean for you and your business?

The point is that if you keep believing what you’re thinking, nothing will change. Not only will you not start your blog, what’s worse, you will experience more and more resistance to even starting your blog. And your mind is giving you ample reasons not to even consider blogging. It’s your thoughts about this that are silly, not you…

How can you get from silly to confident?

Well, how about just starting? Just go, start your blog, start somewhere, and then you’re on your path, you can walk your blogging journey. Start with the first step. A great way to discovering what you want, what your first step could be is to answer questions. And answering those honestly. No one has to know, this is just a great process just for you. Here are some useful questions for you:

  • Do you have clients who pay you for your services?
  • Do you have clients who will recommend you and your services to others?
  • Do you think there is a chance that any of those clients might be interested in your blog posts?

If your answers to all three questions are a yes, then your problem has been solved.

If your answer to one or more of these questions is a no – then call three of your nicest, most happy clients and ask them if they would be interested in your blog.
If one of those clients says yes… then you’re problem is solved.

The next step for you is to accept that there is no need to feel silly, and to decide to start feeling confident. You now know for sure there is one person at least who will want to read your blog. This means there are many more people who will. Stop believing what you thought before, and start proving to your mind that you have something unique to bring to the table. The way you help your clients is unique, and so is the way you blog.

Now, you can start writing blog posts. Even if you’re not totally confident about publishing them… you need to write them first. That is one step. Once you’ve written a few, you can decide on your next step. That could be to invite someone you really trust – preferably one of your happy clients – to read it and give you specific feedback. This will help you to gain confidence in the value you have to offer. You don’t have to get everybody excited about your blogs, just your ideal clients, and your ideal readers. The ones who want to connect with you, and the ones you want to connect with, too.

So, remember, all you need to know is the first step and take that step. The rest will follow. Trust me.

Would you do me a favour? Would you leave your comment on this blog post? Please, do let me know any of your past or present silly thoughts? I’m sure you’ll find you never stand alone… so let’s combine forces, and realise that our silly thoughts are just that: silly thoughts. And by sharing your silly thoughts, you will help others…as well as yourself. 

Invitation to The Free Blog Recipe Webinar

It is my greatest wish to inspire and encourage you to build your online legacy. Would you like be confident in sharing your valuable content with your readers, prospects, fans and clients in the most simple, fast, and authentic way? Wouldn’t you just love to eliminate the unnecessary stress, time, effort and energy that you experience about blogging?

Are you ready to start writing for your blog with confidence? Then book your spot now, as numbers are limited. See you there! The totally Free Blog Recipe Webinar

Blog Recipe Webinar





Live, Love & Leave your Legacy

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