Create your S.U.P.E.R. blog


Blogging is super powerful for your business. I am sure you are fully aware of that. I have been thinking about the word SUPER… the question is, what does that actually mean? What does SUPER mean to you? Does it mean the same for you, as it does for me? Or for your clients?

Your Super Blog

Well, you may never find out, and neither will I. And that’s absolutely fine…

You see, what I’m absolutely sure about, is that you will have the biggest impact with your blog, when you’re working from your very own, personal Blog Magnet: the unique combination of you and your business. Only five characteristics combine into your very own, very personal, very unique S.U.P.E.R. blog magnet.. !

These are the five S.U.P.E.R. characteristics:

Strategic – You want to have a strategic goals for your blogs. You know what you want to share. You know what you want your readers to have, achieve and do. You consciously choose how you offer something of value in your blog posts, and with your call to action you’re making a strategic choice for what you want your readers to share in their comments

Unique – you are a unique person, also in the way you work, and you have your own personal and unique combination of knowledge, experience and style. That is something you can always rely on, and when you make this manifest itself in you blogs, then your blogs posts will automatically be unique.

Personal – you are writing your blog posts from all of what encompasses you: your knowledge, your experience, your style, your passion, your drive to support others with your unique expertise. Let your personality come to life in your blogs, share what you have experienced, where your vulnerabilities lie, what your passion is, which pitfalls you’ve encountered and overcome, and – in doing so – make true and personal connection with your clients, fans and readers with every blog post you write.

Exclusive – you are writing for a specific target audience, whom you know a great deal about; their struggles and issues. You also know how they can transform that with your help. Do realise that your clients have “problems” – yes, they do, and you can read in this previous post how and why! When you write about those problems, issues, fears etc. you will naturally create blog posts that are highly geared towards your specific audience. You need that to have readers reading with true interest, because they will resonate with what’s in your blog.

Relevant – you’re writing about topics that your clients ask questions about. Each question from your client makes a relevant blog topic, purely and solely because your client is asking that question. And you can blindly trust that when one client asks that question, this is a question that many more people have, too.

So….its over to you, now! Make sure you will be writing nothing but S.U.P.E.R. blog posts, from now on. Then, you will have your blog magnet working in a unique way to attract precisely those readers that you  can help and support best. And just to be clear on this: your five S.U.P.E.R. characteristics apply solely to you. You are unique, and so is your Blog Magnet.

Now, I am pretty curious if you can work with this, so do let me know is you wish to use your Blog Magnet to attract more readers. I really want you to succeed with this, so in return for your comment, I will give you a simple exercise to create your own Blog Magnet quickly and easily.

Invitation to The Free Blog Recipe Webinar

It is my greatest wish to inspire and encourage you to build your online legacy. Would you like be confident in sharing your valuable content with your readers, prospects, fans and clients in the most simple, fast, and authentic way? Wouldn’t you just love to eliminate the unnecessary stress, time, effort and energy that you experience about blogging?

Are you ready to start writing for your blog with confidence? Then book your spot now, as numbers are limited. You will come away knowing how to apply the Blog Recipe Plugin to your blog writing. See you there! The totally Free Blog Recipe Webinar

Blog Recipe Webinar





Live, Love & Leave your Legacy