Blogging is on of my most favourite rituals. It hasn’t always been this way. I have overcome fears, cleared limiting belief and let go of insecurities. Writing blog posts became easier and easier for me, in the process. To the point where I now am totally zen about blogging.
How does that actually work, I was wondering one summer’s evening? And the answer was: choosing consciously to experience the desired feeling you want have about blogging. Once you regard writing blog posts to be a ritual, you’ll immediately feel totally zen about it. This is what then led me to the Zen of Rituals for your blog. How cool would it be if you create a ritual around your blog?
How do you create a blogging ritual?
Create a rhythm.
Follow a fixed order.
Write your blog posts on a set time.
Do what feels good.
Use systems.
Repeat your systems.
Tweak your systems.
Blog about questions you hear from your clients, readers and fans.
Cherish the writing process.
Appreciate and acknowledge yourself for what you write.
Trust your values and self-worth.
Blog consciously.
Embrace the ritual.
Prior to writing my blog posts, I shut out and eliminate all possible distractions. Then, I close my eyes and surrender to my blog writing ritual. I have a fresh cup of steaming tea beside me. I make sure I won’t be interrupted. I allow my intuition to lead my writing, I surrender to my rhythm, my systems and my blog topic at hand, surrendering to this powerful ritual. I consciously choose to enjoy the whole process. I am totally zen.
And finally:
Write with love for your customers, readers and fans. Anything you do with love, always feels good. That is one of the most important elements of rituals: love yourself, be kind to yourself, be kind to others. That always feels good.
Needless to say that this is only the tip of the iceberg. So, I have a question for you: is there anything you would really want to know about my ritual? Do put your question about my blogging ritual in your comment, and I will definitely answer your question!
Invitation to a free call with me to become the Master of Your Blog
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To create a blog vision and a 6-step plan to get an active blog off the ground for your business? To discover the 6 ingredients for your blogging strategy and take away the next steps for your blog?
I give you ONE hour of my time and my expertise for FREE
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offering the poorest children of Zimbabwe 9 years of primary education.
Live, Love & Leave your Legacy
Live, Love & Leave your Legacy