It’s up to you!


In 2017, at the end of May, now just over a year ago, I ran my very first international Blog Cafe, in London. That was just amazing! A premiere that opened new doors for me. What was even more amazing is that pennies were dropping for the participants. One of those pennies first caused some hilarious laughter, then disbelief, and eventually major relief. What was that about, you may wonder. Well, this was about the order. How important is the order in which you will write? My answer was: “Not important at all.”

up to you


Do you ever wonder when you’re writing your blog posts, what would be the best writing order? Where do you start? How do you start? How do you decide on the right order? And are you aware that ’thinking’ about the order is the reason that writing your blog posts takes quite a bit of time? An unnecessary amount of time?

The funny thing is, that you don’t have to worry at all about the order. No  need to worry about the order within your blog post, and most definitely not about the order in which you’re doing the writing. The thing is: I have taken care of all that, for you! The reason behind that is that – by nature – I detest re-inventing the wheel. Any wheel, for that matter. Anything that I’ve figured out once, I never want to figure out again. I much prefer systemising. This is precisely how I created the Blog Recipe. This could be of great help to you, too. Perhaps it already is…  🙂

There is more…

When you’re using the Blog Recipe… then the writing order is irrelevant. This was what caused the hilarious laughter in London… The thing is, the order in which you’ll be writing the seven ingredients will make the writing order totally insignificant. Really! This is most simple and most effective blogging system that will liberate you from all the things you don’t need for writing an engaging blog post. It liberates you from thinking, doubting, checking, hesitating, re-reading, correcting, deleting, wasting time, stress, insecurity… back me up, here, please: this is truly amazing, isn’t it?

This means that you get to choose: it’s up to you! And there is a lot to choose:

  • how many minutes you wish to write for
  • when you’re writing
  • which ingredient (part) of your blog post you’re writing
  • how many articles you’ll be writing on at the same time

Are you generally each blog post from beginning to end, before you start writing a new one?
No problem. That’s all fine. Only, you don’t have to!

How would it be for you if you’d:

  • Be writing 5 calls to action in one go?
  • Have a small table indicating which ingredients you have already written?
  • Be writing a few blog posts alongside one another?
  • Always have a supply of blog posts?
  • Be able to choose what you wish to work on?
  • Have the choice of wanting to describe the problems or create titles?
  • Always be making the most of the time you spend on blogging?
  • Be as effective as you can, turning blogging into a piece of cake?

This way of working creates a healthy dose of peace of mind, for me. It enables me to have a clear overview of my blog posts, blogging fun, and easy to read & engaging blog posts. How does this sound to you? Would you enjoy being able to pick and choose?

Well, in that case, I have a deal for you. Right here on my blog. This is the deal: You will share your most important question you have on this topic – and I will give you my answer within 24 hours. Deal?


Invitation to The Free Blog Recipe Webinar

It is my greatest wish to inspire and encourage you to build your online legacy. Would you like be confident in sharing your valuable content with your readers, prospects, fans and clients in the most simple, fast, and authentic way? Wouldn’t you just love to eliminate the unnecessary stress, time, effort and energy that you experience about blogging?

Are you ready to start writing for your blog with confidence? Then book your spot now, as numbers are limited. You will come away knowing how to apply the Blog Recipe Plugin to your blog writing. See you there! The totally Free Blog Recipe Webinar

Blog Recipe Webinar





Live, Love & Leave your Legacy